8 Secrets to the Perfect LinkedIn Headshot




This Inc.com article lays down some great basics when considering whether to update your LinkedIn (or elsewhere) headshot.

Headshots are important because they are often the first impression a new contact gets about you. Make it a strong one and you’ll have an easier time connecting with other professionals.



  1. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
  2. When in doubt, go pro.
  3. If you go pro, don’t go to that place in the mall.
  4. If you choose to DIY, get ready to take many, many selfies.
  5. Use a decent cameraBorrow a friend’s if you have to. Then, borrow your friend.
  6. Your most flattering angle is from above.
  7. Your photo editing software or app is a great ally.
  8. Your most brutally honest friend is an even better ally.


Link to the Inc.com article here.

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