What should you wear for your headshot session?

Wear what makes you feel like a million bucks or what you’d wear to a job interview or meeting with a client. Jewel tones, like dark blue, red, or green, are a great place to start. Black is fine for just about everyone, but a white top won’t look great with light skin.

Having said that, if you could wear something that will contrast with the background you’ve selected, or we can pick a background based on what you’re wearing and that contrast with the color of your skin and isn’t too, too crazy, because we don’t wanna distract from your beautiful smile, then you should be good to go.

It’s usually a good idea to bring at least a couple of different looks. It could be two different blouses or shirts, or simply a different jacket or tie. If you’re getting multiple images, then bring all of your favorite go-to looks. Remember, you’re probably not gonna get your headshot taken for a while, so you wanna make sure you give yourself plenty of options for the foreseeable future.

Now you know it’s important to wear what makes you feel great, to dress like an industry pro, and to bring some extra clothes for your headshot session.

If you need some updated images that will show the best version of your professional self, hop on over to movingandstillimages.com and we’ll get things scheduled.

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