Commercial Photography

Commercial Photography

Commercial Photographer based in St. Louis Commercial Photography sells. Whether it’s photography of your people, product photography or the places where you make the magic happen, photos tell your story in a very effective way. And when you couple beautiful...
Social Media Promo Video

Social Media Promo Video

NEVCO is a maker of athletic scoreboards and scoring systems. From simple scoreboards you might see in a small-town gym to the collosal screens you might see at the biggest venues in the world. With this Social Media Promo Video, MOVING + STILL used existing footage...
Pitch Video

Pitch Video

[Sorry, but we can’t show the full video just yet.] Startup companies often need to raise capital to fuel their growth. The normal way of doing that is to create a Pitch DECK (a powerpoint) that is then emailed out to any potential investor they can find. A...
Not-for-Profit Video | Treat Planet at Goodwill

Not-for-Profit Video | Treat Planet at Goodwill

Goodwill operates a Sheltered Workshop and Treat Planet provides them with a steady source of work. The people that do the work at Goodwill can be found adding labels, inserting pet treats into bags and then packing those up into case boxes. Creating this video melted...
Product Promo – Treat Planet

Product Promo – Treat Planet

Treat Planet makes the best darn treats on the planet! Treat Planet is the name of the corporation and they have several great brands underneath that umbrella: Etta Says, Snicky Snaks, Hare of the Dog and others. They’ve been growing very fast over their 10-year...